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Build a strong community by supporting the Temple through donationsvolunteering, and our Legacy Society.

Our Temple community has much to offer. We want to provide a variety of services and fun events on a relatively low budget so your participation is encouraged and a terrific way to connect with other members, build confidence, share your ideas, and be a part of something greater than ourselves. 

Your willingness to contribute your time and energy is a gift (mitzvah) to our community, and there are so many ways to get involved.


Honor Friends and Loved Ones

With a financial donation, you can honor and remember friends and loved ones or celebrate important life cycle events.

You can designate your gift to the General Fund for use where it's most needed, or designate your gift as restricted to benefit one of our ongoing funds (see drop-down on form). Contributions are tax deductible.

Your generosity helps us deepen and expand our kehillah kedosha, our sacred community.

Thank you for your Contribution


Please add this information only if you are donating in memory of an individual or in honor of an individual. Thank you.



We have a diverse set of committees and volunteer opportunities so everyone can find their place as part of our community. Get involved today!

Adult Education

Plans lectures and adult classes that are usually held on Sunday morning. Contact

Book Club

Meets once a month to discuss various books that have been selected. Contact

Education Committee

The Education Committee is comprised of members, parents, our Education Director, and our Rabbi. This group develops Religious School policy, provides input on curriculum and programming, and co-creates community-wide holiday celebrations. This group also focuses on our early childhood activities, including our popular Tot Shabbat gatherings.  Contact

Facility Management

Work with a dedicated group of volunteers involved in upgrading and maintenance. Also, work on our Security Task Force. Contact

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee organizes on-going philanthropic activities and annual events throughout the year to generate revenue to help cover expenses that membership dues and/or school tuition alone do not cover.  We welcome new members to this committee to become actively engaged in securing the Temple's financial future. Such events include the Holiday Fest, Nosh Across Alameda, selling gift cards and other fun events. Contact

Mah Jongg

A very popular and successful group! Casual games for the temple and community. Contact

Member Engagement

The Member Engagement Team plans new membership recruitment events, formally welcomes new members, and plans social events to bring our members together more often to build a stronger community.  Contact

Outreach, Marketing and PR

Help us get the word out about this great Jewish community! Upgrade our systems, advertise, and write articles. Contact

Ritual Committee 

The Ritual Committee meets monthly to discuss ritual practices, which include aspects of our Shabbat services, as they pertain to our member's needs. They work to support our Spiritual Leader's development of our spiritual community. Contact

Social Justice

Committed to identifying instances of inequality in our community and working in partnership with other organizations to create positive changes.  Contact


Help out in the office. Stuff envelopes, do data entry, whatever our office manager needs.  Contact

Support An Event

Visit our calendar to see our upcoming events then contact us to get involved.

We regularly host the following types of events and fundraisers.

  • Sponsor an Oneg
  • Volunteer to sell gift cards
  • Assist with a Fundraising Event
  • Assist with a Religious School Program
  • Cook for the woman’s shelter
  • Deliver food for meal trains (for those too ill)
  • Be a driver for Temple members unable to mobilize on their own

Temple Israel of Alameda Foundation

The Foundation was established in the 1990’s with a $10,000 bequest from the estate of Diana Garfinkle, one of the original founding members of our congregation. Our assets have grown from bequests, donations of appreciated stock, and transfers from the disbanded Investment Chavurah.

Continued growth of the Foundation's assets are crucial to the financial stability of the congregation. We need every congregant to consider including the Temple Foundation in their estate planning. Many of you will say that your means are not great enough for estate planning, but that may not be true, especially if you own property, stocks, retirement plans and/or annuities. The Foundation is asking every congregant to leave 1% of their estate to the Temple Israel Foundation so the Temple can remain financially stable generating income many years down the road. 1% will not adversely affect your heirs. If your heirs are financially self-sufficient, more of your assets might easily be used for philanthropy. If your assets are more substantial, you might want to consider other estate planning choices which will have positive tax benefits for you now (e.g., gifts of appreciated stocks or property, charitable lead trust, or charitable remainder trusts, etc). You can also name the Temple Foundation as full or partial beneficiary on life insurance policies or retirement accounts.

We encourage you to speak with your financial and legal advisors to work out estate planning solutions which will benefit you as well as the Temple. If and when you have arranged for bequests to the Foundation, please send us a copy of the relevant codicils or paperwork for our records. We know that many of us are at the limit of spending for our current lifestyles or fear we may outlive our resources. We are asking you to consider a donation from your assets when you no longer need them.

Click here for suggested language for this estate planning option. We deeply appreciate and thank you for this loving act of charity towards your congregation.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785