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B'nei Mitzvah Date Request

Your Temple Israel of Alameda community is honored to help your child / children grow into their connection to Judaism. You can request a date when your child is in the fourth grade or older. The B'nei Mitzvah fee is paid during the fiscal year when the B'nei Mitzvah occurs. 

Please use this form to request a date for your child's B'nei / Bat / Bar / Be Mitzvah.

We celebrate these simchas during Shabbat Shacharit service, on Saturday morning beginning at 10:30am. Your child will also help lead Kabbalat Shabbat service on the Friday before being called to the Torah. 

This form needs to be submitted at least seven months prior to the date you are requesting. Unfortunately, we cannot schedule in the month of July nor on a Jewish holiday. 

As always, if you have any questions or would like to speak more about the B’nei Mitzvah process, please feel free to contact Rabbi Minster –


We want to honor the journey of all of our students by using language that feels comfortable to them. 
If you would like us to be able to communicate directly with your child regarding tutoring and study with the rabbi, please provide their email address.







Select a date for each choice below. Please provide two preferred dates.

Students must be 13 on or before their B'nei/Bat/Bar/Be Mitzvah Date.

First Choice of Date

Second Choice of Date


The fee for a B'nei Mitzvah is $2,500. This payment includes:
  • Six months of weekly tutoring to learn Biblical portions. (Torah and Haftarah)
  • Three months of weekly meetings with Rabbi Minster to discuss portion and develop a D'var Torah.
  • Facility fee 
We expect that our students will learn the prayers they will lead as part of their Temple Israel Religious School education. If your child needs additional help learning prayers, you will be responsible for paying for that tutoring time. We will discuss scheduling your simcha more than seven months in advance if your child needs this additional support. This ensures your child has enough time to sink into the material. When we discuss the need for additional tutoring, we will provide an estimate on how much additional time is needed and what the cost will be.


You will have the opportunity to make monthly payments or pay in full after submitting this form. 

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785